Conducto de Ventilación Resistente a 80°C


As ventilation duct ideal for:

Widely used in these working environment such as airport, tunnel,basement,waste gas exhaust out

Climatización y ventilación de humos, extracción de polvo para trabajos ligeros y movimiento de aire.

As a flexible connection between grilles diffusers, fans and other airmovement units

Rango de temperatura de trabajo:

-20 °C a +80 °C


1.Highly flexible

2.Flame retardant

3.Could be compressible and easy to carry

4.Oil,Acid &Alkali Resistant

5.Very small bending radius

6.Kink proof

7.Polyester fabric coated with PVC is leakage resistant

8.Steel wire spiral is abrasion resistant with strip cover

9. Hay varios colores disponibles

10.Anti static version is available


Wall: High density polyester weave coated PVC on both sides

Spiral: Reinforced steel wire

Exterior spiral cover: PVC strip

Datos técnicos


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