Chemical Suction & Discharge Hose


Our rubber chemical hoses are specifically manufactured for the transfer of harsh chemicals and media, conveying liquids such as organic and  inorganic acids,ketones,paints,esters,aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons (dependent on the liner). All types are highly suitable for external applications due to their EPDM outer cover.

Диапазон рабочих температур:



  • Отличная стойкость к кислотам и щелочам.
  • Отличная стойкость к озону и атмосферным воздействиям.
  • Additional wire  helix  reinforcement that helps the hose maintain its properties  under  vacuum  applications.
  • Супер гибкий.
  • Plane surface and corrugated surface are available.



Reinforcement: High tensile textile cord with helix steel wire.

Cover: EPDM synthetic rubber.+


20 bar working pressure is available.

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